The Hunting Dogs Halting, a Large oil on canvas in the style of Desportes, circa 1850

The Hunting Dogs Halting, a Large oil on canvas in the style of Desportes, circa 1850


An interesting and decorative door overlay with this oil on canvas with a decor of two hunting dogs stopping in front of partridges with a beautiful hilly autumn landscape in the background.


A fine mid-19th century French work circa 1850, in the manner of paintings by Alexandre François Desportes.


Dimension sans cadre : Longueur 149 cm – Hauteur 75 cm.


In fine original condition.




Alexandre François Desportes, baptized on 16 February 1661 in Champigneulle and died in Paris in 1743, was a French painter who specialized in animal paintings, mainly of dogs, still lifes, and hunting scenes.

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