Baccarat (signed) - Pair of Louis XV-style cage chandeliers in gilt bronze with cut crystal decoration circa 1890

Baccarat (Signé) – Paire de lustres cages de style Louis XV en bronze doré à décor de cristal taillé vers 1890

An elegant and decorative pair of cage chandeliers in the Louis XV style, in gilt bronze, featuring a beautiful cut and molded white crystal decoration, formed by large plates, numerous rosettes. Our chandeliers light by six arms of lights each. The chandeliers end with lovely crystal balls.

Handsome French chandeliers from the end of the 19th century, whose cut crystal decoration comes from the Cristalleries de Baccarat (signed), circa 1890.

Beaux lustres Français de la fin du XIXème siècle, dont le décor en cristal taillé provient des Cristalleries de Baccarat (signé), vers 1890.

Dimensions : Hauteur 105 cm – Diamètre 70 cm.

In excellent condition, a very nice old silver patina. Electrification to European standards, adaptation to American standards on request. 

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